Sunday, January 31, 2010

The Cut & Vary Method

In the previous post I outlined the variation principle. This principle states that it is easiest to learn a skill when it is similar to one that you can already perform fluently. The more similar it is, the easier it is to learn. At the moment I am not going to go into detail about formulation for SuperMemo - only the basics of procedural learning.

A good example of the variation principle is the following memory game, often played on old 80's game consoles. The computer displays a number, say '5', then that number disappears. You have to type in the number, and if you get it correct, you move on to the next level. On the next level the computer displays the first number, and then a second number - e.g. '5, 3'. You then have to type this short sequence. Then the computer adds a third number, and a fourth, something like this:Publish Post

5, 3
5, 3, 7
5, 3, 7, 6
5, 3, 7, 6, 6
5, 3, 7, 6, 6, 3
5, 3, 7, 6, 6, 3, 9
5, 3, 7, 6, 6, 3, 9, 4
5, 3, 7, 6, 6, 3, 9, 4, 7

and so on. Such an exercise may seem declarative at first, but is in fact almost entirely procedural. You can think of it as a poem, or some other enumeration, which you can regurgitate without much thought. Of course, this exercise gets tricky after the first 7-9 numbers, but if you practiced the same sequence every day, you would soon get used to it, just like you are used to typing in certain phone numbers without thinking, or reciting the alphabet. Furthermore, there is nothing to really "understand" here - it is just something to be done. In any case, it's not a particularly useful exercise, although it is a very nice neat example of the variation principle in practice.

The cut & vary method is a methodical way to learn complex procedures, and it is based on the variation principle. It works essentially like the previous example - the only difference is that what you begin with is the last line, and your task is to learn the long sequence procedurally. That is, you start with the sequence '5, 3, 7, 6, 6, 3, 9, 4, 7' and you wonder how on earth you will learn it! Now, there are various mnemonic techniques which can be effectively applied for memorising such long random numbers. However, we are just using these number as an illustration of procedural learning, so please put aside your mnemonics for now!

The first thing you should do is simply try to do it. That is, hide the sequence and try and type it in from memory. If you get it wrong, try again. And again. If you keep improving slightly between each attempt, keep practicing. But if you hit a strong roadblock, such as not being able to remember past the 7th number, you can apply the cut & vary method. The point of this method is to use the variation principle to your advantage, and process new skills in such a way as to artificially create a gentle learning "slope" joining your current skill level to your desired one with a set of exercises. That is, rather than trying to learn the whole sequence in one go, you can learn some of it today, then more of it next time, and so on. So, if you can currently type in the first five numbers easily from memory, then your first task would be to try and type the first six numbers. What you are trying to do is to build ever so slightly on your current skill in such a way that you progress towards your desired skill level. Once you become fluent at six numbers, try seven. And eight. And nine, and so on. Remember, I am not currently giving any advice on how to formulate SuperMemo elements for this purpose. I am only illustrating the raw method that you would use to learn such a procedural sequence.

A more interesting example involves a drumming sequence. Unfortunately I can't remember where I played this game, but the concept was exactly the same as with the numbers. The computer would first play a short drumming sequence through the speakers or on the screen, and then the player was required to play it back. When it was played back correctly the sequence would get longer. Using this method, a fairly complicated sequence could be learned in a single session. Of course, SuperMemo users can learn much longer sequences by taking advantage of incremental learning. I will explain how to do this in more detail later on.

As you may guess, the meat of this technique is to process complex procedures into simpler ones by either: 1) cutting them into smaller sequences, or 2) creating variations on the complex procedure, which are easier to perform, but still an improvement from you current level. Like the number exercise, you start off knowing nothing, but by incrementally adding complications to a relatively simple exercise you soon master the whole skill that you are trying to learn.

As a musician, the applications of the cut & vary method are endless. For example:

Cut: If I find that most of a piece is easy, except for the last four bars, then I extract those bars separately and learn them in isolation. Only once I am comfortable playing those bars on their own do I incorporate them back into the original piece.

Vary: If I find that a piece is difficult to play at a fast tempo, say 140, then I begin by learning to play the whole thing at a slower tempo, say 90. Then, I practice it at 100, 110, 120, 130 and 140 respectively. Only once I master one level do I move onto the next one.

Sportspeople often use Cuts to train individual parts of their skill in isolation. For example, tennis players might practice their serves, over and over again, without playing against anyone. Maths and physics teachers often give their students endless variations on the same basic equations in order to drill them so deep that they become automatic; that is, procedural. Of course, the better students will also have a strong declarative grasp of the concepts, but this is only useful in a redundant way.

In summary, if you want to start learning some complex skill - like fencing, solving a Rubik's cube, drawing, playing an instrument, etc - then start off with the end goal in mind and work backwards. Create cuts and variations to slowly close up the gap between your current ability and your desired level of ability. The smaller the variations from your current ability, the easier you will find it to progress, and the more stable your memory of the skills will be due to the redundancy of mastering many intermediate exercises.


  1. I'm looking forward to your next post!

  2. thanks.. just moved house so getting internet connection is hard, but working on it. i think i'll start writing at home and bringing to post when I can get connections elsewhere, like now:)

  3. Indeed these small variations promote redundancy and cement the different facets that a block of knowledge is made of.

    I used to avoid these variations for fear of redundancy (wasn't acquainted with rule #17 ;), but as time went by I noticed that my knowledge was sparse, and facts were not fully articulated among each other, which made me try to increase the "granularity" of the information (actually, reducing the gaps you mention). That was for declarative knowledge, so I found your reasoning on your "Cut & Vary Method" extremely relevant on the much less known procedural knowledge field. Great reading! ;)

    I'll answer your email as soon as possible; right now I'm a bit short on time and just able to leave these quick words.
